
Top Ten Reasons Being a Freshman Totally Sucks

Finny and I made this list over Christmas, and decided to turn it into this blog. Enjoy!

1. Freshman lockers are WAY far away from the main building. Do they WANT the freshmen to be late to everything? Hello!

2. Freshman assembly/ orientation. Why? So we can look at each other? We've only grown up together. This way we have no chance of even meeting older people.

3. Even though I'm S.'s little sister, this is doing me no good, since she is pretending I don't exist.

4. Freshmen can't try out for Varsity Tennis. What?! I was only like, the best player at PDMS. What are these rules?

5. Taking the NASTY SCHOOL BUS, when your sister's boyfriend has a car and is perfectly capable of driving you home. See # 3.

6. It actually took a long time to get to the top of the food chain at PDMS, and having to start over? Not good.
